Foods that you may be storing Incorrectly

Jul 3, 2020 | Blog

How did you find food storage in the midst of lockdown, and did you find yourself emptying your fridge and cupboards of rotten food all too often?

Well you might be making some common food storage mistakes, and here at the Kitchen Partners we’ve put together a list of some common foods that you might not realise don’t all belong in the fridge. Correct storage will help to prolong the life of your food, keep it fresh and, as a result, save a bunch of money at the supermarket!


While many people have always stored potatoes in the refrigerator, this can actually cause them to become mushy and bruised quicker than if they were kept at room temperature. The pantry or any kitchen cupboard is the best place to store unpeeled potatoes. Keeping them away from excessive heat, cold and sunlight will prolong the freshness of your potatoes and prevent bruising.


Many people believe that putting bread loaves in the fridge can prolong freshness, however this can actually cause bread to get stale faster because it crystallises the starch molecules. Keeping it in a covered place at room temperature will keep your bread softer longer.


The misconception is that avocados, like other produce, should be stored in a refrigerator to prevent over-ripening. The truth is this can actually prevent avocados from getting fully ripened, keeping them too firm. To make sure you get a perfectly creamy avocado, it is best to keep avocados out on a counter or shelf until the outside feels slightly tender.


It seems that cucumbers are susceptible to cold injury if held more than 3 days at temperatures lower than 50F/10C. Signs of cold injury are wateriness, pitting on the outside and accelerated decay Cucumbers are also sensitive to ethylene gas, which is put off by some ripening fruits and vegetables. So for longest storage, don’t keep your cumbers near melons, tomatoes or bananas.


Rather than keeping whole, unpeeled onions on the counter or in the refrigerator, which many homeowners do, you should instead store them in a mesh bag in a cool and dry place, such as a pantry or even in an unfinished basement. Too much moisture will cause onions to sprout and rot quickly.


If you store your fresh herbs in the fridge in a twisted-shut plastic produce bag from the grocery store, you’re doing it all wrong! For that sharp herb flavour, keep your herbs dry and at room temperature. Wrapping them in a paper towel and keeping them in a plastic bag on the counter is the best way to store your fresh herbs

Have a great weekend

Clinton and Fiona