Believe it or not, Spring is here!
We have all found out how much that really means as a result of increased restrictions.
This is why in these changing times, your environment is going to be more important than ever.
A few weeks ago we were talking about the kitchen being the hub of daily life, well your working space will become a hub in itself.
It’s important to be kind to yourself in times like these, and working from home can sometimes feel like you’re trapped inside, but it’s your schedule now, no one (except maybe children) is sitting on your shoulder watching your every move.
This is kind of the dream!
If you take the time to plan out what your new way of working from home is meant to look like, then you’re winning!
Last week we talked about what some of the things your mind and body needs when ‘working from home’ and this week we are sharing some ideas on environment.
Have a separate workspace
A separate workspace doesn’t have to be a dedicated office with a door that closes.
It should be an area that:
- mentally prepares you for work mode
Whether it’s a separate room, a small desk set up in a corner of the living room, or a laptop at the end of the kitchen table.
Ideally, it would be a place you don’t go to relax, like your bedroom or your sofa, and a place that other members of your household know is designated for work.
It may take a bit of trial and error to figure out what area of your home is most conducive to getting work done.
Establish a routine, including non-work hours
This is a hard to adapt to when you start working from home: with devices that allow bosses and clients to reach us constantly, you can end up working 24/7.
- schedule it
Try to start work around the same time every day if you can, and schedule breaks around the same time if possible, and don’t eat at your desk.
Working remotely can feel isolating at times, so as part of your routine, try to interact with your co-workers regularly.
Chatting over messaging apps like Slack and holding meetings over Zoom or another video app are two quick and easy ways to stay in the loop.
However you connect, don’t let email be the only way you interact with colleagues.
- try to end work at the same time every day.
Obviously, there will be times when a late deadline or project needs after-hours attention. But in most situations, a 10PM work email can wait until the following morning for a response.
Ideally, you should try to get some outdoor time once a day, to get coffee or walk the dog, so you don’t go stir crazy.
Make your environment the place of dreams, where your imagination can run free and conjure the future you desire, starting with your work space. You have an opportunity to do things your way now.
So, it’s really all about setting your own boundaries and limitations for yourself and others when working from home.
We all need a little human interaction on times, so take five minutes to reach out to people who are probably feeling just like you, make someone’s day and be the work interruption that spurs them on for the rest of it.
Next week we are to share some ideas on innovation, and how the current crisis has encouraged us to think about custom designed kitchens and getting our ideas across in new and inventive ways.
Have a great weekend
Clinton and Fiona